PAW 2018 25mm Art de la Guerre Results
1 Steve Hacker Abbasid Arab 341
2 Andy Claxton Patrician Roman 288
3 Andrew Whitby Warring States Chinese (Q’in) 255
4 Keith McGlnn Late Roman 219
5 Chris Richards Lysymachid 212
6 Max Irving Communal Italian 211
7 Colin Cavanagh Arab Conquest 201
8 Bryan Edwards Early Imperial Roman 195
9 Andy Clark Justinian Byzantine 191
10 Mark Mainwaring Viking 181
11 Tony Rodwell Middle Roman 158
12 Colin Evans Graeco-Bactrian 112

Our Umpire this year was Andy Whitby - many thanks to him for stepping in late on to take over.

Special thanks to Andy Clark for stepping in at the last minute to balance numbers.